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Q- Do i need a permit for a driveway asphalt work?

 A- Yes, most likely your township or municipality will require a permit for Asphalt replacement. Sometimes they will require multiple permits depending on what your project includes. For example, if you are looking to change the size & shape of the current asphalt, such as an extension that will widen the apron. This will require a special highway permit to approve a curb cut to widen it. Even a resurface will require a permit because even though we are going over the old asphalt with a layer of new asphalt, if you have a garage or  sidewalk or walkway that the asphalt meets up with we will have to cut that area out to get the seam to connect smoothly. Something like seal-coating however does not usually require a permit. It is something True Paving will aquire for the work we are doing at your property. 

Q- What is an apron?

A- An Apron is the section of asphalt located between the sidewalk and the street.

     Another apron question we get is "Isn't that the town or city's responsibility to fix?" The answer is no, this is also your property. Although the towns & cities in our area are responsible for the concrete sidewalk upkeep, repair & replacement. 

Q- How long does a new driveway take to install?

A- When we are doing a new install or tear-out & replacement we usually do the install in 2 parts. The first part is the tear-out, we remove all the old asphalt & then dig down to a depth of 5 inches. After removing all the debris we lay a base of small crushed stones or aggregate stones. Once these are down we will leave them as just stones for a couple days, you can drive on the stones in the interim. We will come back on another day to lay the asphalt. Once that is down we will tie-off the driveway entrance and you should not drive on it for at least 6 days, allowing it to set properly.